Friday, October 31, 2008

Critical Situation :: 逆境

What's your most critical situation in your life?

ever ask yourself this question? well.. The collapse of your career? The ending of your future? Facing bankruptcy? Lost direction? Financial crisis? Family's problem? Breaking up with love's one? Friendship trusting? i think there is one way to find out that when is the time that you are facing your critical situation in your life is.. when you beginning to whisper to the god and say.. "god, please help me.." why say so? because you are feeling helpless.. you are feeling helpless even there are so many people walking around you. whenever people stuck in a helpless situation they will whisper to the god..

sometimes you will hardly find a friend to company you just to have a simple chatting. Most of the time when you feel so fucking stress and you think you got lots and lots of stress that wanna share or discuss but you might get reject. doesn't it sounds pity.. i mean helpless. really helpless

probably any one of us also has their own stress and problems. so when you feel depress, your friends do feel the same. how can you put all together when everyone feel the same. just like if you gather all the heart broken people together i think ended up will be everyone singing "cry me a river" or perhaps "knocking on the heaven's door"

i heard a words from a movie. a girl tells a boy and she say..
"如果你冇飯食 別人係唔會肚餓嘅"
means .. "people wont feel hungry if you've got no foods to eat."
sounds pity right?
and the end of the movie while the boy almost near to dead and he say to the girl..
"如果你冇飯食 我會好難過."
means.. "i will feel sad if you've got no foods to eat."
anyway, i will over come this sooner or later.

明月幾時有 把酒問青天
不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年

*Phrase of the day :: i will feel sad if you've got no foods to eat
*今日金句 ::
如果你冇飯食 我會好難過


Anonymous said...

in times of troubles, troubles are least important. focus on anything except troubles & problems.

fung said...

call me for a cup of coffee if you are my friend.

helenk said...

walau~~u so leng lui with earrings~~~hahaahha leng lui fung??!!?!?